Thursday, April 18, 2013

our visit...

Our visit with family was filled with a lot of relaxing and a lot of adventure.  These are a few pictures of our time with my parents.  We went to the Seattle aquarium, hikes in the park, a couple of ferry rides, a trip to Friday Harbor and a whole lot of wandering around our island.

One of my favorite outings was going to the aquarium.  It is not a very big aquarium and part of it was under construction, but Grafton loved it.

We watched Finding Nemo a few weeks ago and the scuba diver scared him a little (he calls them "scuba drivers").  While we were at the aquarium they had a scuba diver in one of the tanks.  Grafton was pretty scared of her at first, but by the time we left he was fist bumping through the glass and saying "He's not scary!".

Grafton is still not sure about "scuba drivers"  and has no desire to watch Finding Nemo any time soon, but he loves talking about our trip to the aquarium.

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